Feast Days
- Activities for Feast Days
- Antasdan Explanation
- Astvadzadzin Explanation
- Blessing Of The Grapes Service
- Church Feasts
- Fasting
- Feast of Assumption - Soorp Asdvadzin
- Feast of Catechumens
- Feast of Conception of St. Mary
- Feast of Nativity and Theophany - Students
- Feast of the Nativity and Theophany
- Grouping of the Feasts
- Hampartzoom - Eastern Armenian
- Hampartzoom - Western Armenian
- May Feast Days
- New WB Gr. 4 4.1 Five-Major-Feasts
- OLD WB Gr 5 2.1 Days of Celebration - Feasts of the Armenian Church
- Old WB Gr 7 2.1 Feasting and Fasting
- Our Church Calendar - Five Major Feasts Explanation
- RS - Assumption Feast
- RS - Feasts of All Saints Families and Students
- RS - Second Palm Sunday
- RS - Second Sunday of Assumption
- RS - Third Sunday of Assumption
- Second Palm Sunday
- Tabernacle - Dominical Feasts
- The Annunciation
- What is a Feast? What is a Fast?
- Wheel of Calendar Dates