
Christian Education Council

Serving the Sunday Schools of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America

Քրիստոնէական Դաստիարակութեան խորhուրդ

Հայաստանեայց Առաքելական Եկեղեցւոյ Հիւսիսային Ամերիկայի Արեւմտեան Թեմի Կիրակնօրեայ Դպրոցներուն ծառայող

Teacher’s Development

26. Do you wonder why?

25. Helping kids in crisis.

24. The strong-willed child.

23. Teaching with Tech

22. Getting kids to talk.

21. Communicate with visuals.

20. Kids can memorize God’s Word.

19. Review matters.

18. Spending quiet time with God.

17. How to make sure kids get answers.

16. Armenian Christmas.

15. Teaching kids to pray.

14. Mary did you know?

13. Working with other teachers.

12. Maintaining attention.

11. Thank You for Giving to the Lord!

10. Keeping Parents Involved.

9. Communicating Care.

8. Don’t Give Up.

7. Teacher, could you use some prayer?

6. Are you willing to serve?

5. Be a Mr. Jensen

4. How to prepare a great lesson.

3. Sunday School Volunteers Celebration.

2. The Effective Sunday School Teacher.

1. Teacher’s Spiritual Development – “Who me? Teach kids in Sunday School?”

Introduction: Teacher’s Spiritual Development – Introduction “Dear Miss Donna” (Letter to my Sunday School Teacher)